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Iggy Pop

Iggy Pop relocated to Berlin in 1975, largely influenced by his close friend David Bowie. Both artists were seeking an escape from their chaotic lifestyle in the United States. Berlin offered a sanctuary where Iggy could focus on his creativity. During his time in Berlin, Iggy produced two significant albums that are often considered the best work of his career; The Idiot and Lust for Life both released in 1977.  The music from these Berlin sessions showcased Iggy’s versatility as an artist and remains highly influential in rock and punk music, marking Berlin as a transformative chapter in his career.

biopic- iggy pop

biopic- iggy pop

In 1996 Gavin was commissioned to shoot Iggy for the covers of Time Out London and New York magazines. The photographs from the 40 minute session went on to become the book biopic- iggy pop published by Canongate Publishing.

Iggy Pop Open Edition Prints

Iggy Pop Open Edition Prints

Uncompromising A3 Open Edition prints for collectors and aficianados.

Iggy Pop Lightboxes

Iggy Pop Lightboxes

One print, six portraits. The anatomy of a photoshoot.

Iggy Pop 1in100

Iggy Pop 1in100

Limited Edition prints for the collector with an eye for the provocative.
